mission statement

AARMENA is a gateway of knowledge transfers in reconciliation, conflict transformation and peace education to develop the science of reconciliation and peace research and stregthening its academic programs in the Higher Education Institutions in Master and Doctoral level.
Image: AARMENA2018


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The Academic Alliance for Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation, Peace Studies for the Higher Education Institutions in the Middle East and Northern Africa (AARMENA)




It is an alliance of universities and other higher educational institutions, scholars, and academics willing to do joint research and build up teaching programs and curriculums in Reconciliation Peacebuilding Studies as Trans-Inter-Multi-disciplinary Studies and Research for the higher education institutions . Alternatively, integrate the new curriculums into  their academic programs in program courses and develop master's degrees and Ph.D. programs in their educational academic degrees in the Higher Education Institutions. The AARMENA marks the unique significance of the "Reconciliation processes in the Middle of Conflict" concept for our present time.     It recognizes the interdependence of political practice in understanding and actualizing authority in inter-trans-multidisciplinary spheres in the academic world.

AARMENA aims to achieve philosophical and theoretical foundations for understanding the processes, measurements, and practices relevant to fostering the best-possible relationships in violence, atrocities, genocides, wars, dictatorships, segregation, enslavement, and other crimes against humanity. AARMENA introduces reconciliation into peacebuilding research studies as an Inter-Multi-Transdisciplinary and multi-scale scientific field that focuses on the individual, group, inter-group, out-group, and multi-scale involvements in conflicts. 


The AARMENA promotes interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and trans-disciplinary approaches that integrate Theology, Philosophy, Religious Science, Ethics, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Law, Media Studies, Art, History, and information sciences and provide the scientific scale of internet communication technologies introducing digital Humanities in reconciliation peacebuilding studies.


AARMENA adopted the Hölderlin Perspective concept for reconciliation (Martin Leiner, Susan Flämig (Ed.), 2012, p. 16) Latin America between Conflict and Reconciliation. The book explains the "Hölderlin Perspective" of the German poet Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843), wrote in his novel "Hyperion Holderlin:" "Reconciliation is amid strife, and everything that has been separated is found again." In English, it is translated as "reconciliation is in the middle of the strife and all that was separated finds each other again" (Friedrich Hölderlin, 2004, p. 169).

The University of Jena endorsed the Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa (AARMENA) initiative and supervised the AARMENA conference on 14th August 2018 in Jena, Germany. AARMENA seeks to develop and endorse the fundamentals in reconciliation peacebuilding studies research with universities' cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa and the international academic sphere under the university of Jena umbrella. The initiative opens the doors for the Middle East and North Africa scholars and researchers to research projects in cooperation with the AARMENA on an academic cooperation level or to continue their education to receive a Ph.D.